Use "insult|insulted|insulting|insults" in a sentence

1. And you've insulted me.

2. You think I'm insulted?

3. She insulted me.

4. Catchphrase Insult: Somebody's Catchphrase is an insult

5. Insult triggers insult, and violence begets violence.

6. He insulted us gratuitously.

7. The only verse in the Quran that Adjures against sabb (insults) instructs Muslims not to insult the infidels' gods "lest they, in retaliation, insult God in their ignorance" (6:108), and no variants of the word shatm appear

8. Arachne Insulted Goddess Athena

9. See more ideas about funny insults, Comebacks and insults, funny Comebacks.

10. A guy insulted me once.

11. Comebacks, jokes, insults Random

12. You just insulted their national heroes.

13. You have insulted my son.

14. Tom, please, this is insulting.

15. Curmudgeon is a game of insults! Use your own creativity to build insults from keywords

16. Little insulted you didn't recognize me.

17. Charles was insulted and replied in kind .

18. Does he feel insulted, ignored, or misunderstood?

19. They laughed at and insulted each other.

20. I almost fainted when he insulted Bill.

21. One disparage the greatness that insults.

22. He writhed under the insults.

23. Curmudgeon is a game of insults! Use your own creativity to build insults from keywords

24. While insulting the other chick.

25. Insults were flying back and forth.

26. Anyone would bridle at such insults.

27. Since he has apologized, you'd hatter not pile insult on insult.

28. He felt she had insulted his manliness.

29. 7 Sexist language is insulting to women.

30. 5 His insults were not endurable.

31. He turned crimson under the insults.

32. And subject Israel to insulting words.

33. Sexist language is insulting to women.

34. Abusive: marked by harsh insulting language.

35. 11 Her tone was deliberately insulting.

36. GAME OBJECTIVE: Curmudgeon is a game of insults! Use your own creativity to build insults from keywords

37. The cougar screams insults and is brave.

38. Insults alone cannot defile a person's honour.

39. She hurled insults at the unfortunate waiter.

40. The crowd contented themselves with shouting insults.

41. She could do nothing but spout insults.

42. We shall requite him for his insults.

43. Their insulting remarks were a provocation.

44. Don't insult my intelligence.

45. You insult my intelligence !

46. I don't insult the staff.

47. The insult is unnecessary, amigo.

48. 3 He insulted her, whereupon she slapped him.

49. Contumely is insolent or insulting language or treatment

50. Bogarted Insulted or otherwise verbally abused in public

51. 23 Sexist language is very insulting to women.

52. She insulted him and he responded in kind.

53. Sometimes Comebacks can lead to more insults

54. She made several insults about my appearance.

55. How insulting! His insolence is beyond belief.

56. 14 Their insulting remarks were a provocation.

57. Sexist language is very insulting to women.

58. Definition: humiliating or insulting language or treatment Example: "Of an impulsive and passionate nature, she had fortified herself to encounter the stings and venomous stabs of public Contumely, wreaking itself in every variety of insult."

59. Abusive definition is - using harsh, insulting language

60. Some of them were impudent and insulting.

61. 25 I find your criticism deeply insulting.

62. He writhed under the insults [ with shame ].

63. Insults only served to inflame the feud.

64. I found it hard to swallow his insults.

65. He exercised considerable restraint in ignoring the insults.

66. 12 She was really insulting to me.

67. He winced at the insult.

68. Tanden Apologized for past insults to Republicans

69. The two groups of fans exchanged insults.

70. Ammonites insult David’s messengers (1-5)

71. She blazed up at the insult.

72. She was aggrieved at the insult.

73. He also insulted Philip by calling him a "barbarian".

74. You're not trying to be insulting, but you're succeeding.

75. (2 Corinthians 12:10) Did Paul enjoy being insulted?

76. He insulted her by calling her a stupid fool.

77. We wouldn't be insulted if you just spat it out.

78. He was asking for trouble when he insulted their country.

79. He was dismissed for publicly insulting prominent politicians.

80. The captain is not only insulting but uncooperative.